Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The weekend.

Before I start, in response to Jack's blog entry about only needing a half can of Red Bull to last for the entire day, I usually drink 2 full cans a day. 3 if I'm really tired. In my defense, I only drink the sugar free stuff, but let's face it, I'm going to die when I'm 50. Better start living it up!

In other news, I went down to So Cal for a day to see my brother graduate. UCI has an entirely different graduation process than Cal. First of all, they only give you so many tickets, and you can't request more. What does this mean? It means that since I attended the ceremony my Stepmother could not. LOLOLOLOL, hilarious. Secondly, they lump all of their Social Sciences departments into ONE ceremony. This meant there were over 900 graduates. Which meant over 900 people walked up to the stage, handed some professor their name card , had their name read over the speakers, and then walked to sit back down. Gah. Not so hilarious.

Anyway, congrats to my brother, now he has the daunting task of finding a job in this job market. I don't envy his situation right now.

After the ceremony I took a nap. That's not really part of the story, that's just what happened. In the evening we went to Todai - a sushi buffet in the Puente Hills Mall. If was good. I defenitely ate more than the $28 it cost me to enter the place. Sucks to be you, Todai!

Then, in the morning, as fast as I had arrived, I departed So Cal for home. The only thing I really missed was being able to see my high school friends. Ed, Haamed, Pam and Ray should all get a shout out because I'm sorry I didn't stay long enough to see them. The point I'm going to make however is that 24 hours is SUCH a good amount of time to stay with family. It's long enough to see my dad, mom and grandma, but short enough that they don't mention anything other than pleasantries. I never had to worry or stress while I was there, and I was back in the bay in time to hang out in the afternoon with some friends.

Finally, at the end of the weekend, I got sick. Then I got better. Wow, fast trip, fast sickness, fast recovery, I feel like my life is somehow stuck on fastfoward.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I worked at Todai as a hostess in high school because I thought I'd love eating the food all the time but I got sick of Its a cool place to go once or twice a year though!